

如果实验中使用了图片、音频或视频作为刺激,则最好在运行实验前对这些文件进行预加载。我们可以使用jsPsych preload 插件在实验任何阶段加载这些文件。预加载指的是被试的浏览器会下载这些文件并存放在存储中。这样,呈现或播放多媒体文件就会快得多,因为它们已经在被试电脑的存储中了。如果没有预加载,则呈现这些多媒体文件会有明显的延迟,从而影响计时的精确性(如:图片呈现的时间,被试的反应时)。对于一些特别大的文件,如视频,对其进行预加载可以避免实验中较长的停滞,从而防止干扰试验正常进行。


注意,在离线运行实验时(如,双击打开HTML文件),视频不会进行预加载,但在线上运行(托管在服务器上)时则会进行预加载。更多信息详见[Cross-origin requests (CORS)和安全模式](./running-experiments.md#cross-origin-requests-cors)。



// the "auto_preload: true" setting tells the plugin to automatically find 
// stimuli to preload based the main experiment timeline (used in jsPsych.run)
var preload = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true 

// this image file can be automatically preloaded 
var image_trial = {
    type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: 'img/file1.png'

// the sound file can be automatically preloaded 
var sound_trial = {
    type: jsPsychAudioKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: 'audio/hello.mp3'

// the video file can be automatically preloaded (as long as the experiment 
// is running on a server)
var video_trial = {
    type: jsPsychVideoKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: ['video/sample_video.mp4']

jsPsych.run([preload, image_trial, sound_trial, video_trial]);


如果我们在实验中用到了一些没有直接作为参数传入试次的多媒体文件(例如,使用返回多媒体文件函数作为参数值,使用时间线变量或将多媒体文件嵌入了HTML字符串当中),则我们使用auto_preload时不会自动加载这些文件。此时,就需要我们手动在指定这些需要加载的文件。我们可以在preload插件中通过images, audiovideo参数进行设置。

// this image file cannot be automatically preloaded because it is embedded in 
// an HTML string
var image_trial = {
    type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: '<img src="img/file1.png"></img>',

// this audio file cannot be automatically preloaded because it is returned 
// from a function
var sound_trial = {
    type: jsPsychAudioKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: function() { return 'audio/sound1.mp3' }

// these video files cannot be automatically preloaded because they are passed 
// into a trial using the jsPsych.timelineVariable function
var video_trials = {
    timeline: [
            type: jsPsychVideoKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('video')
    timeline_variables: [
        {video: ['video/1.mp4']},
        {video: ['video/2.mp4']}

// to manually preload media files, create an array of file paths for each 
// media type
var images = ['img/file1.png'];
var audio = ['audio/sound1.mp3'];
var video = ['video/1.mp4', 'video/2.mp4'];

// these array can be passed into the preload plugin using the images, audio 
// and video parameters
var preload = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    images: images,
    audio: audio,
    video: video

jsPsych.run([preload, image_trial, sound_trial, video_trials]);



// this file can be preloaded automatically
var image_trial = {
    type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: 'img/file1.png'

// this file can be preloaded automatically
var sound_trial = {
    type: jsPsychAudioKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: 'audio/hello.mp3'

// these files must be preloaded manually
var video_trials = {
    timeline: [
            type: jsPsychVideoKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: jsPsych.timelineVariable('video')
    timeline_variables: [
        {video: ['video/1.mp4']},
        {video: ['video/2.mp4']}

var video = ['video/1.mp4', 'video/2.mp4'];

var preload = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true, // automatically preload the image and audio files
    video: video // manually preload the videos used with timeline variables

jsPsych.run([preload, image_trial, sound_trial, video_trials]);




// these image files in these trial blocks can be automatically preloaded
var block_1 = {
    timeline: [
            type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: 'img/file1.png'
            type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: 'img/file2.png'

var block_2 = {
    timeline: [
            type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: 'img/file3.png'
            type: jsPsychImageKeyboardResponse,
            stimulus: 'img/file4.png'

var preload_1 = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    trials: block_1 // automatically preload just the images from block_1 trials

var preload_2 = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    trials: block_2 // automatically preload just the images from block_2 trials

    // add each preload trial onto the timeline before the appropriate trial block
    [preload_1, block_1, preload_2, block_2]


// these trial blocks cannot be automatically preloaded because 
// the media files are passed to the trial parameters with timeline variables
var block_1 = {
    timeline: [...],
    timeline_variables: [
        {stim: 'file1.png'},
        {stim: 'file1.png'}

var block_2 = {
    timeline: [...],
    timeline_variables: [
        {stim: 'file3.png'},
        {stim: 'file4.png'}

var images_block_1 = ['file1.png', 'file2.png'];
var images_block_2 = ['file3.png', 'file4.png'];

// preload trial for preloading the block 1 stimuli
var preload_1 = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    images: images_block_1

// preload trial for preloading the block 2 stimuli
var preload_2 = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    images: images_block_2

    // add each preload trial to the timeline before the appropriate trial block
    [preload_1, block_1, preload_2, block_2]


默认情况下,preload插件会在加载期间呈现进度条。该进度条表示的是所有被预加载文件的进度,包括通过auto_preloadtrials参数进行自动预加载的文件和通过audio, images, 和 video参数进行手动预加载的文件。如果加载的文件较少,我们可能也不需要呈现进度条,因为它会一闪而过,这会给被试造成困扰。我们可以通过preload插件的show_preogress_bar参数控制是否呈现进度条。

var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true
    show_progress_bar: false // hide progress bar



var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true
    max_load_time: 60000 // 1 minute


我们可以在加载期间或加载出现错误时显示自定义的消息。可以通过message参数对此进行设置,该参数值为HTML字符串。如果 show_progress_bartrue,则该消息会呈现在进度条上方。

var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true
    message: 'Please wait while the experiment loads. This may take a few minutes.',

在(a) 文件加载失败,或 (b) 达到max_load_time时没有加载完所有的文件 时被视为加载错误。我们可以使用error_message参数 定义出现错误时呈现在页面上的文字。只有在continue_after_error为false(默认值)时才会显示文字。

var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true,
    error_message: 'The experiment failed to load. Please contact the researcher.'



var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true,
    // show details of any file loading errors and/or loading time out
    show_detailed_errors: true 


如果continue_after_error为true,则实验在有一个或多个文件加载失败时不会结束,而是会结束当前试次并让实验继续。不过,预加载试次记录的数据有一项为success,会记录是否所有文件都成功加载了,还有一项数据为timeout,记录是否所有文件都在max_load_time内完成加载。数据中还包含了加载失败的image, audio, 和 video文件。这样,我们可以在预加载失败后根据试次记录的数据判断接下来该干什么。例如,我们可能会跳过所使用的资源加载失败的试次,或重新对这些文件进行加载。又或者,我们可以直接结束实验,但在服务器上记录数据,以方便我们弄清楚为什么会加载失败。

var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true,
    message: 'Please wait while the experiment loads...',
    // don't stop the experiment if there are file loading errors or if loading times out
    continue_after_error: true 

var save_data = {
    type: jsPsychCallFunction,
    async: true,
    func: function(done){
        var data = jsPsych.data.get().json();
        save_data(data, function() {done()})

// the experiment will stop here, since there are no valid key choices or trial duration 
var fail_message = {
    type: jsPsychHtmlKeyboardResponse,
    stimulus: 'The experiment failed to load. Please contact the researcher.',
    choices: "NO_KEYS",
    trial_duration: null 

var if_loading_fails = {
    timeline: [save_data, fail_message],
    conditional_function: function() {
        if (jsPsych.data.getLastTrialData()[0].values().success) {
            // preloading was successful, so skip this conditional timeline
            // and move on with the experiment
            return false;
        } else {
            // preloading failed, so run this conditional timeline:
            // save the data to the server and show the fail message
            return true;

// ... rest of experiment

jsPsych.run([preload_trial, if_loading_fails, ... ])


var file_load_count = 0;
var file_error_count = 0;

var preload_trial = {
    type: jsPsychPreload,
    auto_preload: true,
    on_error: function(file) {
        console.log('Error: ',file);
    on_success: function(file) {
        console.log('Loaded: ',file);
